My brother went to the dentist today. He has been going there the entire time, no signs for masks. He goes in this morning and sign says masks required for vaxxed and unvaxxed. He ignores it.
Finally the receptionist calls his name and holds a mask up. My brother says, I don't wear masks. She says we will try to get you back there soon.
While sitting there another patient comes in, goes to check in, is told to put on mask. He says I am not doing this, cancel my appointment. She cancelled it and he left.
It was great to see others standing up to this. I will say my brother seems to have found a good way to not masking. I would have been the guy that walked out. My brother nicely says I don't wear one and ignores the directive. By doing this it forces the other person to press the issue and eventually ask you to leave. Rather than him being confrontational he kindly does not comply, forcing the gatekeeper to be the bad guy.
This worked for him at a highly masked golf course pro shop a while back. The guy behind the counter asks him to put one on, he says he doesn't wear one. The guy says it is not my rule, but is the rule here, my brother says I understand, continues non compliance. Finally the guy says, I guess this is an argument for another day, my brother says, or not at all. He paid for his round and walked out.
If you can be nice, test the gatekeeper, make them be the bad guy.