posted ago by ThePedePiper ago by ThePedePiper +61 / -0

I was reading another post and it got me into a thought experiment (what Einstein used to do). My thought was this, what happens if Q starts posting again, with the correct trip code?

In my mind it could come about one of a few ways:

  1. Q picks up where they left off.
  2. Q Identifies it or themselves
  3. Q comes out with questionable posts (pro vax like trump etc or is anti trump) but is still Q ish
  4. Q comes as a shill or glows (saying stuff like sorry this was all a joke or some shit like that)

If Q does start to post as any of those options do we trust the posts? I think at this point, no matter what we would need to assume the Q account was compromised.

I am personally going to go deeper into this later in my own mind and try and figure out if the account does get compromised, is the plan also compromised or not. I would think not, but i really have to work through that.

Just want to hear everybody thoughts.