375 This video of the WEF from 3 years ago says it all. Must watch. (Full video where Pfizer CEO talks about microchips, 5g, compliance) sorry for ytube link (youtu.be) posted 3 years ago by NoMoJoe2020 3 years ago by NoMoJoe2020 +375 / -0 45 comments share 45 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Bandwidths of 1 Gbps and higher would be required for the real time monitoring of patients.
Can 5G handle that?
I don't know.
It may be possible using nono scale antenna... many people don't realize is that dna is basically a superconductor
Nonsense. Not even hospital monitoring requires such insane bandwidth between the patient and the monitor. A GIG PER SECOND. no computer system in a current hospital has or needs such tx speeds.
That's true.