We don’t really believe in testing, but even if we did, there are no tests available where we live. Go figure. His dad (physician) said we have the exact same symptoms has his wife did a few weeks ago. She tested positive. Neither of us are vaxed.
So far, the worst symptoms for my fiancé are fever and sore throat. For me, headache and a few body aches here and there.
Taking tons of vitamin D, C, and Zinc. Popping Advil and going about our day.
I start my new job on Monday (quit my old job because of the vax mandate). So praying this is the worst of it. We appreciate your prayers too!
Thank you so much to everyone on here for keeping us informed. It would probably be much worse if we were vaxed ;)
Ugh. I’m sorry to hear that! Hope your husband gets over it soon. What Covid diet are you referring to?
That’s good advice. He and I are very good about getting enough calories and nutrients. One way or another.