Satan is the king of the world, as he told Jesus in his temptation, who did not contest the assertion but said "get back." Therefore Satan coopts all things he can in this world and always did and will. What are you going to do about it? Eliminate every word and number and color and symbol satanists have touched? When we are in a gray formless fog after that, do you think Satan is going to turn tail? He'll be laughing that he made you reject your life which God gave you instead of using God to navigate. Really, what is the point of saying that the geometry God invented must now be rejected because a satanist decided to use it as his own symbol? Is God really going to be pleased at such lack of discernment? I am not ignorant of the evil around me as you presume because I didn't go along with the witch hunt mentality that gets so tiresome--woo hoo! I spotted Something I can make an "ain't it awful" post about. In my view jumping on the suspicion train and bragging about it is a lot worse than trying to see God's hand in everything and using His guidelines to tell Satan "get back" when he intrudes. I take that commandment about bearing false witness very seriously. It is high up on the no-no list, as it should be, when you can see in everyday life how people can be and are literally killed over superficiality. I have heard God wants to save all souls. That includes some that have done really terrible things, one would think, even things like--drawing stars, or wearing red shoes. As in the little incident of the Pharisees trying to condemn the disciples for not washing hands enough, the outer stuff is just that: It's the words of the heart, the works, the motivation that is defiling.
Satan is the king of the world, as he told Jesus in his temptation, who did not contest the assertion but said "get back." Therefore Satan coopts all things he can in this world and always did and will. What are you going to do about it? Eliminate every word and number and color and symbol satanists have touched? When we are in a gray formless fog after that, do you think Satan is going to turn tail? He'll be laughing that he made you reject your life which God gave you instead of using God to navigate. Really, what is the point of saying that the geometry God invented must now be rejected because a satanist decided to use it as his own symbol? Is God really going to be pleased at such lack of discernment? I am not ignorant of the evil around me as you presume because I didn't go along with the witch hunt mentality that gets so tiresome--woo hoo! I spotted Something I can make an "ain't it awful" post about. In my view jumping on the suspicion train and bragging about it is a lot worse than trying to see God's hand in everything and using His guidelines to tell Satan "get back" when he intrudes. I take that commandment about bearing false witness very seriously. It is high up on the no-no list, as it should be, when you can see in everyday life how people can be and are literally killed over superficiality. I have heard God wants to save all souls. That includes some that have done really terrible things, one would think, even things like--drawing stars, or wearing red shoes. As in the little incident of the Pharisees trying to condemn the disciples for not washing hands enough, the outer stuff is just that: It's the words of the heart, the works, the motivation that is defiling.