Remember when his arm glitched thru a microphone, and they posted a pic of him missing his entire foot and blamed it on a rabbit hole? And he almost pulled his nose clean off when he adjusted his mask during an international conference on live tv (sauce please)? And he uses a fake set all the time? He can't read? He can't speak? He signed a bill that's blank? He signed a bill after not reading the entire title? He called 2022 2020? Anybody?
Why aren't we constantly sharing these things? Censorship? To much stimulus? These happened. Never forget that they did [post links in comments to above forementioned].
Not saying this is the case in that video necessarily, but hey maybe... Maybe even at some point else
Now we need deepfake sauce. Deepfake is available to the public, imagine what they can do with a private set.
Like this, but to achieve the new world order and not as a joke...
That is some creepy cgi shit