Maybe you will find out Fauci ran the Animal Testing lab (Bio Weapon Lab) that used to be located on Plum Island in New York. That Lyme Disease is his creation and he tested it on unsuspecting children in Lyme, CT, that he modified it to be tick born in order to infect as many people as possible, that he had the infected ticks dropped from planes to make entire areas sick then gaslighting those who fell ill, and preventing doctors from healing the sick, in order to sell massive amounts of drugs for big pharma for a huge list of physical ailments, like arthritis, fibromialgia, spondilitis, chronic fatigue, etc etc... Also selling huge amounts of antidepressants and anti psychotics and other mental health drugs for big pharma, again gaslighting the ill, convincing them they are crazy or that their illness is just all in their head. All this from a tiny bacterium, that can be destroyed and a person cured if ONLY THEY CAN FIND A DOCTOR THAT WILL LISTEN AND HELP. All doctors that did help had their licenses taken and lives ruined by a panel of "expert" scientists(Pharma) that Fauci ran. Fauci has had plenty of practice at this game, and he thinks he is untouchable, he is WRONG and now it is GAME OVER for that smug demon!
You could not be more accurate with describing how Lyme patients are treated. My bosses son has Lyme terribly and had been treated just as you say. He is at a Lyme Clinic in AZ. and it hasn't helped him one bit and has cost them close to 100k in 3 months. They have found a treatment out of Greece that he should receive next week. Please pray for him. He has co-infections that leave him oxygen starved so he constantly feels as though he is suffocating among many many other horrible symptoms. Fauci is an absolutely horrible human.
Yep, I need to look into this more, Ivermectin as well. Trump had mentioned HCQ used for Lyme when he had visitors to the whitehouse to discuss their covid recoveries. (I cant remember her name, that woman democrat that took HQC and praised Trump)
Maybe you will find out Fauci ran the Animal Testing lab (Bio Weapon Lab) that used to be located on Plum Island in New York. That Lyme Disease is his creation and he tested it on unsuspecting children in Lyme, CT, that he modified it to be tick born in order to infect as many people as possible, that he had the infected ticks dropped from planes to make entire areas sick then gaslighting those who fell ill, and preventing doctors from healing the sick, in order to sell massive amounts of drugs for big pharma for a huge list of physical ailments, like arthritis, fibromialgia, spondilitis, chronic fatigue, etc etc... Also selling huge amounts of antidepressants and anti psychotics and other mental health drugs for big pharma, again gaslighting the ill, convincing them they are crazy or that their illness is just all in their head. All this from a tiny bacterium, that can be destroyed and a person cured if ONLY THEY CAN FIND A DOCTOR THAT WILL LISTEN AND HELP. All doctors that did help had their licenses taken and lives ruined by a panel of "expert" scientists(Pharma) that Fauci ran. Fauci has had plenty of practice at this game, and he thinks he is untouchable, he is WRONG and now it is GAME OVER for that smug demon!
You could not be more accurate with describing how Lyme patients are treated. My bosses son has Lyme terribly and had been treated just as you say. He is at a Lyme Clinic in AZ. and it hasn't helped him one bit and has cost them close to 100k in 3 months. They have found a treatment out of Greece that he should receive next week. Please pray for him. He has co-infections that leave him oxygen starved so he constantly feels as though he is suffocating among many many other horrible symptoms. Fauci is an absolutely horrible human.
I read somewhere HCQ is an effective treatment for Lyme disease. It’s been awhile ago so there’s no sauce.
Yep, I need to look into this more, Ivermectin as well. Trump had mentioned HCQ used for Lyme when he had visitors to the whitehouse to discuss their covid recoveries. (I cant remember her name, that woman democrat that took HQC and praised Trump)