There are other jobs not mandating people to wear face diapers, and you're a teacher i pray your students aren't forced to mask either. We are way past that in a lot of the red states. Stand up and be the change!
Do you work for a public or private school? If public, it's illegal and a federal crime to enforce masks. Your health is your property. Violation of 4th/5th amendments, and 18 usc 242.
Me? Some of you people on here are fucking paranoid. I chose not to interact for a while and as soon as I do fags want to cry shill bc my account is newish? Get a fucking life!
I have no choice for work.
There are other jobs not mandating people to wear face diapers, and you're a teacher i pray your students aren't forced to mask either. We are way past that in a lot of the red states. Stand up and be the change!
Do you work for a public or private school? If public, it's illegal and a federal crime to enforce masks. Your health is your property. Violation of 4th/5th amendments, and 18 usc 242.
I work for a public school.
Who? Me?
Gotcha. Thank you.
Me? Some of you people on here are fucking paranoid. I chose not to interact for a while and as soon as I do fags want to cry shill bc my account is newish? Get a fucking life!