Sniffles and all but negative. I was hoping to be positive so I could get the health pass (in France) but no luck. Dunno what to do to catch it. Any thoughts? For information, I work with 200 kids per week, never wear a mask and don’t take any sort of precautions at all. I do wash my hands often, but then I’ve always done that, and usually, I’m sick every November of every year. These past two years: nothing. Also, I would really like to have the health pass because there are so many things that cannot be done without one.
Sniffles and all but negative. I was hoping to be positive so I could get the health pass (in France) but no luck. Dunno what to do to catch it. Any thoughts? For information, I work with 200 kids per week, never wear a mask and don’t take any sort of precautions at all. I do wash my hands often, but then I’ve always done that, and usually, I’m sick every November of every year. These past two years: nothing. Also, I would really like to have the health pass because there are so many things that cannot be done without one.
What a screwed up world we are in right now.