Saw that last night on the Chan. Pretty accurate, so far. Point of disagreement is I think there's a lot more going on with the gene therapy than a cocktail of heavy metals. Mutagenesis, Disease enhancement, immune system fuckery and inhibition of key cellular and metabolic functions, to name a few.
Many pathways. Hand sanatizer mostly 60% Ethanol (120 Proof). Definitely concerned by fragrances and thickeners. Some imported sanitizers found to use Methanol instead of Ethanol. Methanol causes permenent optic nerve damage (blindness) and other toxicities, and rather importantly, KNOWN to be readily absorbed through the SKIN.
You know I have noticed all of a sudden every product seems to have an aluminum free or dye free or cleaner version...enough that it has caught my attention. In food, shampoo, deodorant, etc...
Fresh lemon juice is a good natural replacement for deodorant. It won’t stop sweating that’s what the aluminum does in antiperspirant but the lemon juice neutralizes the bacteria so you don’t stink. However the downside is if you swim you will need to reapply. But better than dousing yourself with aluminum on a daily basis ! 🍋 ❤️
If anyone is wondering I buy the lemon juice in a bottle and apply it by wetting a towel. I haven’t tried spraying it on with a spray bottle but that could maybe work too
Lemon juice works but be harsh on the daily. My deos are already not antiperspirants, mostly coconut oil and a clay and either/both baking soda or magnesium
Too much happening, IMO. Specific genes and binding sites being targeted, genomic sorcery made possible by mapping of human genome, proteinomics and CRISPR. 20 years research and nothing to show for it? Till now. Heavy metals poisoning quite well documented and understood from occupational medicine and industrial hygeine.
I actually had many symptoms similar to what some vaxxers are reporting, some 10-11 years ago. Irregular heart beat, nerve symptoms etc. Never found the cause for certain but I always suspected mercury poisoning (due to an accidental exposure I had.)
Saw that last night on the Chan. Pretty accurate, so far. Point of disagreement is I think there's a lot more going on with the gene therapy than a cocktail of heavy metals. Mutagenesis, Disease enhancement, immune system fuckery and inhibition of key cellular and metabolic functions, to name a few.
In addition to other mass poisoning
Food, water, air, personal care and home products. All are now suspect.
The plan was to poison everything and then with the fake PCR tests it would create the pandemic.
Killing move the science juice, though.
Think about the PPE and hand sanitizer people are buying like crazy. That would be a great target for poisoning
Many pathways. Hand sanatizer mostly 60% Ethanol (120 Proof). Definitely concerned by fragrances and thickeners. Some imported sanitizers found to use Methanol instead of Ethanol. Methanol causes permenent optic nerve damage (blindness) and other toxicities, and rather importantly, KNOWN to be readily absorbed through the SKIN.
Starting to sound like the batman movie .....
Ive thought that all along, keep thinking of the haggard looking news reporters…..
I won't even use eye drops anymore...
Starting to wonder myself, eye is an easy pathway of exposure.
Have been forced to read the writing in the sky.
You know I have noticed all of a sudden every product seems to have an aluminum free or dye free or cleaner version...enough that it has caught my attention. In food, shampoo, deodorant, etc...
Fresh lemon juice is a good natural replacement for deodorant. It won’t stop sweating that’s what the aluminum does in antiperspirant but the lemon juice neutralizes the bacteria so you don’t stink. However the downside is if you swim you will need to reapply. But better than dousing yourself with aluminum on a daily basis ! 🍋 ❤️
If anyone is wondering I buy the lemon juice in a bottle and apply it by wetting a towel. I haven’t tried spraying it on with a spray bottle but that could maybe work too
Lemon juice works but be harsh on the daily. My deos are already not antiperspirants, mostly coconut oil and a clay and either/both baking soda or magnesium
Too much happening, IMO. Specific genes and binding sites being targeted, genomic sorcery made possible by mapping of human genome, proteinomics and CRISPR. 20 years research and nothing to show for it? Till now. Heavy metals poisoning quite well documented and understood from occupational medicine and industrial hygeine.
I actually had many symptoms similar to what some vaxxers are reporting, some 10-11 years ago. Irregular heart beat, nerve symptoms etc. Never found the cause for certain but I always suspected mercury poisoning (due to an accidental exposure I had.)