Basically everywhere you look, you will only find resources on how men and women are or should be equal, etc.
Obviously this is NOT the case, from a biological perspective we are a sexually dimorphic species and males are larger. Also, watching animals, most of situations show males leading (with very few exceptions and sure enough in those exceptions women ARE larger).
Can you point me to other texts where it was also argued that women are NOT equal to men?
I am specifically looking for past arguments made for men ruling over women.
I believe they were correct.
Let me get this straight. You're saying the man I dearly love, strong as an ox and very good with his hands and ingenuity...and also the man that can't find his keys if he happens to put them 4 inches from the spot he usually keeps them...then asks me to find them should rule over me? Nah, I think we sit side by side in out partnerships and build each other's strengths and the other compensates for their weaknesses.
Don't confuse equality with equity. Men and women have different inherent strengths, as does every human. If we are all given an equal place to starts, how we use our strengths determines our outcome and if we are smart...we find a partner that believes the same.
Well said!
Cuck begone
You literally understood nothing