posted ago by FreeSpeechAnon ago by FreeSpeechAnon +105 / -1

My mom is vaxxed and boosted. She went to lunch with another friend, also vaxxed and boosted, who had covid over xmas. My mom tested positive. I have been around my mom to help her out. You all know my vax status.

Well last night I felt it coming. Woke up this morning, fever of 102, severe aches and shaking, continuous cough. I dont need to test. Im sick. Really sick. I know my body.

Took the protocol around 8am. Its now 1230. Fever is gone. Aches are gone. I am up, being productive, etc. Edit - cough is also completely gone.

4 fucking hours. We had the cure the whole damn time. Zelenko is where it's at. Get it.