Why the Kazakhstan Crisis Is a Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On
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What caused it?
...as usual, corruption and hubris...
...this is a very unsettling situation for "The Big Guy"...
...and extreme schadenfreude for me....
That was a good article that explains why I could not make head or tail of Kazakhstan before. One of the reasons is the almost complete media blackout in the West. We have to get information from Eastern sources. A recent article from Pepe Escobar also shed some light, but he frames such geopolitical issues in terms of China, and his favorite subject seems to be the Silk Road. That still did not really explain the full extent of the NGO influences from the West that try to undermine legitimate governments. Interesting to see that himself the Biden associate got arrested, though.
...the media, at lease in the west, wants us dumb and happy....
Right now I'm not happy and surely not dumb. I win?