Sadness 9 points ago +9 / -0

It has been fought for many decades if demoralization was the goal - All the -isms, in fact.

Even in 1969 Lennon noticed

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only someone with a guilty conscience would purposefully put away money for expected lawsuits from angry, cheated voters.

Sadness 5 points ago +5 / -0

Climate Change

It's overactive weather manipulation. Once a storm leaves the USA, it crosses the ocean...and picks up lots of moisture. It doesn't just go away.

However, if the 'new' growth manages to hang in there, it WILL attract more rain. The Sahara has been green and full of rivers before....

Sadness 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some people twigged to the idea that the dollar, or rather the lack of them, is used as a weapon to make them submit.

Amerika is Wunderbar

Sadness 4 points ago +4 / -0

“I don’t recall.” RE: What did you talk about in the WH, for eight hours? Can't be election interference, at all. It happened between electiotns, you dummy.

Meanwhile Fanny was planning 'get Trump' before even taking a seat in the lucrative, but grubby, little office. Sends lover to sweet-talk 'the case' in the WH, because those people love to waste an entire day talking, and the main thing is to appear legitimate, while 'getting Trump'. Not election interpheremonance (or was it Interferon?), at all.

But true to the nature of players accusing guests of what they are guilty of:

Trump's alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia.


Boomerangs should not be thrown by people sitting in card houses, especially when only pretending to have friends in high places. But after all, she had a wee hook.

Sadness 9 points ago +9 / -0

I almost believed it!

I mean he is a construction magnate, and believes in Kaizen walk-throughs. So it would be a natural fit form him to grab a screwdriver and put on some safety-glasses to fix a loose screw on an ice-cream machine. But then, I imagine that the outlet would not have tolerated a loose screw when they were expecting the President to walk in. So I had to think it was AI.

But the image rustled up a child-hood memory: It was hilarious - in my household my dad (an oil-industry engineer/manager aware of OSH Health and Safety practices in heavy industry) would wear goggles, gloves and safety boots, with us standing by with a towel and a long explanation about how to sling it over his head and pull, in case he hit some wiring - all to hang a picture on one screw.

Sadness 19 points ago +19 / -0

Donald McTrump.

Works for me.

So many nuances.

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

Watch this. It shows it all, including footage I had not seen of Jan6.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

There were plenty of Jews amongst the leadership of Nazis, as Hitler was a firm Zionist (because there was a nifty plan to export Jews to a yet to-be-created Israel). The Jewish and Nazi ideologies conveniently agreed upon this idea.

The proper term for Azov battalion types is: Banderites - because they revere a man called Bandera. Yes they are Nazis, in full regalia, but in the past, their fathers and grandfathers were an especially murderous brand of Nazi that even the German Nazis distanced themselves from. And yes, they look like that. INB4: That's Racisss.

And so, when Russians talk about Banderites (who murdered not only Jews and 'gypsies' - really Hungarians or Romanians - but also Russian-speakers), Russians mean THOSE genocidal Nazis from what is now Western Ukraine. But this nuance escapes most Westerners, as they only have the word Nazi, and that archetype is Blonde and Tall, not looking like the meme of a handwringing merchant.

Hence the disconnect, and the 'Kosher-sounding' names, despite Nazi regalia. The ones who escaped from Stalin's purges to USA and Canada also changed their names to sound like Nuland, Freeland, Blinken, oh and Sullivan - there's a nice Gaelic name, or even German-sounding ones like Goldstein, Bernstein etc. And we are familiar with the slightly Arabic sounding names that Polish Banderites converted their names to, when they managed to get to Israel. Did you know that heaps of Israelis can speak Russian?

Shape-shifting before our eyes.

Sadness 5 points ago +5 / -0


Wade was chalking up, and charging for, long, important-sounding meetings, which he no longer remembers, all of a sudden.

Sadness 4 points ago +4 / -0


as in: Mars-like. Mars being the God of War.

It has nothin to do with Marshalls

Sadness 12 points ago +12 / -0

Myanmar government of Aung San Suu Kyi was an HRC puppet. https://images.app.goo.gl/YYczSvAeeV2f6tTV7

I would not celebrate the 'rebels' in a hurry, as I believe it is CIA inspired.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Erm. Watch Patrick Lancaster - he shows Russians on the front line 3-d printing parts for drones. I don't think drone production is as centralized as you think. Furthermore, they use open-source mechanical parts from China - also not centralized. And yeah, they now have the upper hand. Of course, they have to hide and have protocols for how to deal with Ukrainian drones, so you will hear soldiers 'complaining'.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK, I stand with what I said, but even if all you say is true:

How is Russia using NK munitions any different from Ukraine using British or German ones?

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

correction: I think the Russians are playin the drone game better than Ukraine now. 3-d printers right at the front.

Yes Ukraine had the drone-advantage early on, but not now. Recently, it took about a week for the Russians to start laying down fire on the enemy trenches and forest-belts, just like Ukraine were doing. You play with fire, and get burnt.

Have you seen the spoofing 3-d printed spheres that are taped onto some drones to make them appear bigger on the radars? According to Apti Alaudinov, about 50% of Russian drones are carrying them now, because they draw the AA-fire - but they are just cheap nothings to confuse the Ukraine defense intelligence.

And I am sure that drones are laying dragon's teeth - but how does that explain the piles of them un-arranged next to roads?

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