Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

In John's revelation the first horseman rides a white horse, carries a bow, and is given a crown as a figure of conquest,[2][3] perhaps invoking pestilence, or the Antichrist. The second carries a sword and rides a red horse as the creator of (civil) war, conflict, and strife.[4] The third, a food merchant, rides a black horse symbolizing famine and carries the scales.[5] The fourth and final horse is pale, upon it rides Death, accompanied by Hades.[6] "They were given authority over a quarter of the Earth, to kill with sword, famine and plague, and by means of the beasts of the Earth."[7]

Christianity interprets the Four Horsemen as a vision of harbingers of the Last Judgment, setting a divine end-time upon the world.[8][9]


But dude in the image is riding a silver horse. So, they are hinting at the end-times, but also that there is some mechanical robots, or something, will be involved. So they imagining a Fifth horseman - Terminator style.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's even funnier is that the West is digging yet a deeper hole for themselves by 'freezing' and talking about 'confisating' Russian funds from European banks.

It is actually stealing (mostly from Russian Oligarchs, so the Russian government does not give a hoot AND it won't affect the outcome of the war).

People see that theft. And they will no longer trust the bank, if it allows the avowed Nazi Ursula to take whatever she wants. So, fund managers look for 'safer' banks. Some of them will risk the London swamp (remember Brexit), others will choose BRICS banks.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0




Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, we all saw it, so now we can believe our lying eyes.

LOL at their feigned incompetence. They kept the possibility of the shard or shrapnel narrative, and the fake blood narrative open as long as they could manage. Just so they could please the Democrat 'critics'.

Now, we have an army of citizen researchers who have all their download fingers trigger-happy and are engaging in deep analysis of every aspect of this thing.

So the FBi had to say that it was a bullet. LOLOL. ROFL even.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

No no you don't understand. This is meant to cause cognitive dissonance (and much discussion online) - so they can take you to war. Of course there was rent-a-crowd of Antifa there, just as they had attended the Harris speach (to bolster cheers), so likely the FBI, and Bibi, wanted Antifa to make the protest appear as a disgusting rabble. But that was really so that Bibi could say nasty things about Palestine supporters (that scum outside)- as being filthy anti-semites. It was decoration for the main event. (even if there were also orthodox Jews protesting, but we have to frame it as an anti-JEwish thing according to the MSM, when it has always been an anti-Zionist thing).

There is a slight of hand at play.

But it is a crying shame that the FBI is still not coming to their senses and properly refuse to engage in political shenanigans at all. Some heads need to roll.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm I wonder if this story on RT has anything to do with it?

classified documents discovered at a bus stop in Kent showed that the Royal Navy deliberately sent the Defender into Russian waters to provoke a reaction. (re: a 'similar' but naval aggressive UK action in the Black Sea, and commenting on Western Black Sea escapades ).

I thought it odd that they specifically mentioned Kent.

There were some LoL xomments about finding military plans at a Bus Stop, and how that played out.

Having lived there, Kent is not a very big place: Most towns are small and everybody knows everybody else's business. of course the press is also salivating at knife crime, and the possibility of making the army invisible.

from NATO spy plane intercepted over Black Sea – Russian MOD https://www.rt.com/russia/601715-black-sea-spy-plane-intercept/

Sadness 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just a reply- message in a cyber-bottle, from a complete stranger: I agree that now is an opportunity to see the country and enjoy some peace, after the arguments, pshycological pain and betrayal. But go forth, to find a community that is functional: I mean a place that has a bakery and a butcher, a petrol station and a general store, and some residential areas. And talk to people. Really - don't go to a city. Find something useful in that community, to do straight away - even volunteer work at the church. People in small communities will judge you by your actions, so don't be a hermit and lurk in the bushes. Keep calm and stay friendly. This is really an opportunity after all.

It is important to imagine being amongst people, not the wide open sky - that is a myth drawing you to a symbolic peace-of-mind. Nice for a holiday, but it can play games with your mind and accentuate weirdness. The quiet will spook with memories, and everything, including wild animals (and even strangers in the middle of the night), will send your nerves into top-gear. The rule is: the further you park from civilization, the weirder the encounters.

However for the short term: Try and liquidate most of your posessions and turn the funds into a van. Put a mattress in it. If you are good with your hands, build up the bed base so that you have (nearly) twice the floor area - put stuffboxes (even sturdy cardboard boxes) under the bed. Also attach nets on the ceiling, around the edges, for stashing towels, socks and bags of food etc. And hang curtains in the windows or shades (or put dark tint on the windows as well - for privacy).

Don't plan to cook inside with gas (the van will be too sealed so there is a danger of carbon monoxide) - so get used to eating things that don't always need cooking (e.g. salami, peanut butter sandwiches, fruit etc.), and look forward to warm food on a still day, when you an cook outside. Pack a spade (bury your poo in a hole please). Also useful, is a couple of 4-gallon jerricans for tap/rinsing water. That's freedom. It depends on the tonnage of the van - the more water you have, the longer you can camp out.

Later on, when you are on the road, you can figure out a battery/solar panel/cell-phone charger/satellite connection and figure out a first-aid/hygiene kit etc.

Each van is different, but the sooner you start preparing, the sooner you will be better off, once you start driving. But, at a pinch, start with the van and a mattress. (can you get 3-yr finance for a running van?). This plan means that you must keep the van running, and keep up with insurance etc. That's your freedom, and your responsibility to your future self.

BTW. One is not homeless in a van - once you have wheels, you are free, and the little details, for example, a lidded bucket with personal bits and pieces and a couple books, make it home. Sure there is much less judgement coming from others, when you are self-sufficient and can just move at short notice. This is how you stay ahead of the curve.

Stay in airB&B by all means, but do it occasionally, to freshen up.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is that FBI has to filter raw intelligence. We don't know what's true TBH. So prolly more interesting is that stuff about J6, which has 'matured'.

IT took 88 days to find Richard JEwell innocent. The FBI put him through the paces, which seems preddy relevant in this environment. They 'profiled' the Security Guard, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Jewell

I believe soemthing like that is going on, but more sinister.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

I took Cliff Notes:


To hang Mike Pence - FJB. Very serious threat of assassination. Are there any J6rs accused of such an act?

Confidential Hman Sources. DoJ investigating. Oh that's alright, then.

Assassination attempt

Ladder - A BLOODY RECEIPT! But they didn't find the ladder. Ooooh, I smell in-tact passports.

Geolocation stuff. Not

8 Cartridges

Drones - two hours before 200m away from site.

Bomb sh*t.

Encrypted platforms ( Discord? What's App?).

Unfortunately very commonplace. KEK.

But Radio comms have been deleted.

LEt's all GoOgle: "HOw far Away wAs Owsold from Kenzedy"

LAdler sidler:

Trump caused this because of his bloodbath comments. Inciting Civil War. And Steve Bannon bad.

John Bolton a target of Iranian targetting efforts?

How often do you brief Biden? LOL noticed cognitive decline? LOL.

Matt Gaettz is ruthless.

Sadness 6 points ago +6 / -0

Um, bugs don't taste good? Those darn humans just eating what they want to.

Sadness 6 points ago +6 / -0

I did see some pics of what looked like a bullet hole. Anyone still have a copy?

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

He told it exactly how it was. God be praised.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oooh she changed color from yellow (East-Indian) to blue-gray (Blick). Amazing photoshop skills.

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