Glad to see 90% of the replies are horrified. Some absolute spacker idiots in there.... "WhY Do YoU ThInK ThAt BeCauSe A CoMpAnY ThAt PrOvIdEs a VoLuNtArY SeRvIcE WouLd LeAd To ThIs BeInG MaNdAtOrY?????". Guess that guy hasn't been paying attention to the growing list of slippery slopes that ended up being correct..... SMH
Glad to see 90% of the replies are horrified. Some absolute spacker idiots in there.... "WhY Do YoU ThInK ThAt BeCauSe A CoMpAnY ThAt PrOvIdEs a VoLuNtArY SeRvIcE WouLd LeAd To ThIs BeInG MaNdAtOrY?????". Guess that guy hasn't been paying attention to the growing list of slippery slopes that ended up being correct..... SMH
...those people need to read up on "Judas Goats"....