Alex Berenson: Most people don’t understand yet how badly they were conned. But they will.
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I agree that it is imperative to remain humble in these times.
It is a bit of a mystery to me why so many people are not willing to question what is going on around them. I think at root the enemy in the room is fear. This is not to get political because I think we are at a point where this transcends the idea of what we have been raised to believe about our political systems (R vs. D) but I find a great irony that the Ds do not reference FDR in this crisis, specifically one of his best known quotes about having nothing to fear but fear itself. Because it is true and I have to conclude they don't want you to remember that.
Victor Davis Hanson made an interesting observation not too long ago in a podcast that in many ways, what we are seeing is the Zoom class fighting over the scraps of capitalism. (I really love his historical perspective; if you have never listened to him, definitely check out his website.) But in terms of why people are having cognitive dissonance with regards to all that is happening, I think he's onto something. Just go to LinkedIn these days. There was the story yesterday about Dimon/Chase and how he said they are threatening to fire the unvaxxed and the cheerleading made me want to vomit. (Although I believe LI has its own bots at this point to play on the fears of the Zoom class.) Because I have noticed when I can stomach it that the people that go all in are the ones with good jobs - jobs they don't want to lose because of not just money, but the class and prestige/power that come with it. It reminds me of a book that came out maybe 15-20 years ago about the over production of elites. - the big push to send every child to college because otherwise they would be a loser and you don't want to be a loser do you? I can't remember the title but it was somewhat controversial at the time.
The synagogue of Satan has been exposed. Now the question is, Who will see ?