I'm from Ontario, Canada and we've been hit pretty hard with lockdowns, vax passports and propaganda in the last two years (although not as bad as some places). I've forced myself to occasionally watch the local news just to see what the enemy is up to and what they're saying. It's been non stop propaganda with no truth slipping through. I watched the local Toronto news station this morning because I've been seeing the tide turning lately. They interviewed the Toronto mayor about Quebec's plan to tax the vax-free. He thought it was a bad idea and said it was a "slippery slope" since you would have to look at taxing alcoholics, the obese, etc. for their life decisions. My jaw dropped. They then interviewed the local 'celebrity' doctor and he agreed with the mayor. They also interviewed a school principal about parent's concerns about bringing back in school learning next Monday. He stated very clearly that children are very unlikely to get seriously ill from Omicron. The celebrity doctor also stated this.
I'm posting this because these statements would NEVER have been allowed in the past 2 years. Something is changing. What I can't figure out is if this is because the White Hats are taking control of the media or the Deep State here in Ontario sees that they are losing the narrative and are trying to save themselves. I say that because I believe there is a worldwide implementation of the plan (not just in the US). I'd appreciate hearing other opinions.
Thanks for your kind wishes.