92 Don't forget to donate your children's organs... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by LeoDavid 3 years ago by LeoDavid +95 / -3 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Please, please let that be photoshopped.
Yes it is
Yes it appears to be photoshopped.
False. Sign is photoshopped.
that can't be real
nope, they wouldn't want the organs once they're infected with the spike proteins
Came for the shot, left with 83% of my kid.
Why does it look fake
That is truly sick. And we all know that the organs wouldn't be any good after they die from the shot anyway. Stupid.
This is ambiguous!! This could mean, not just when they have died, but LIVE ORGANS! Just like the organ harvesting that goes on in China!