My cousin has it, unjabbed, she was around plenty of it over the last 2 years, never got it. Now she has it, serious body aches / fatigue, she even says her skin hurts. She was confirmed yesterday 3 am, with lots of fatigue.
She's tough so if its painful, its gotta be real painful.
Shes doing the ivermectin protocol, all the good stuff, started yesterday afternoon.
She's currently feeling much worse.
My other fam didnt get it that bad and they got better after ~ 24 hours with ivm.
Anyone else have it get worse, painful skin etc?
Thank you in advance.
Glad to hear she is on Ivermectin. Make sure you have enough to stay on it until she gets completely through it. Do not stop it until she is in the clear. Check out Dr Zelenko's protocol and also FLCCC
Do EVERYTHING you can to STAY OUT of the Hospital. Their protocols have killed many, many people.
Get a pulse ox meter to verify her oxygen levels. Even if they drop, do whatever you can to get a BIPAP machine or anything that will keep her out of the hospital.
Once she is admitted she will no longer be able to receive Ivermectin or HCQ. Doctors will be fired for prescribing Ivermectin.
If she is admitted, and the hospital is run like most in the country, here's what to expect.
All family members will be kicked out. She will be alone. If her oxygen drops they will vent her. They will give her remdesivir (50% chance of shutting her organs down). They will give her Fentanyl (200 times stronger than morphine) to knock her out. She will be handcuffed to the bed. She will not be provided anything to support her immune system. The vent will create fibrosis of the lungs, which is stiffening. This is permanent and means her lungs will never work again on their own. She will be isolated in the ICU until she dies, barring an extreme miracle.
God forbid she needs to be admitted, make sure you are fully up to speed on your legal rights. Do not let her sign anything until reviewed by an attorney. Present whatever documents you need to in order to retain your rights.
Once admitted, due to current hospital protocols, most patient rights you would think exist, don't.
This is NOT medical advice. This is from first hand knowledge.
Spot on about the hospital procedure. Only one client I know survived the vent process. And it was because his wife, who works at the hospital, snuck him ivermectin. Doctor called him a miracle. He told them what happened and the guy laughed and said no, ivermectin doesn't work. All of the doctor's other patients died...true story.
They have blood on their hands. "Just following orders" isn't going to work. When this comes to judgment, God rest their souls.
Thanks for sharing your story. It is beyond disgusting that these highly trained doctors are either dumber than a box of rocks, or they have truly evil souls, putting their paychecks ahead of their patients lives.