The greatest collusion that is occurring at present is between those who worship Lucifer. They have infiltrated all global governments, and have implemented a plan to destabilize the global economy and political order so as to bring out their long desired plans: a Luciferian World Order with a single religion and faux government where all decisions are made by a single entity known as evil. Pharmaceutical companies are but one tentacle, the media is another. There are many in government today that seek to bring down the US permanently, as part of this plan. Our weapon is prayer, as the battle is spiritual.
The greatest collusion that is occurring at present is between those who worship Lucifer. They have infiltrated all global governments, and have implemented a plan to destabilize the global economy and political order so as to bring out their long desired plans: a Luciferian World Order with a single religion and faux government where all decisions are made by a single entity known as evil. Pharmaceutical companies are but one tentacle, the media is another. There are many in government today that seek to bring down the US permanently, as part of this plan. Our weapon is prayer, as the battle is spiritual.