So I work at a MDs office and we have been legitimately seeing more scabies lately. The standard of care for treatment of crusted scabies is ivermectin. We are not able to get it for this. Upon digging in it seems the big box pharmacies (I hope this is all it is limited to ) are being told by the FDA to send all ivermectin to them (FDA)!!!! Where does this stop?
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The weakened immune systems will start reactivating or allowing a latent infection of various other viruses to spread. Something their immune system had already kept in check. Likely of infections that people probably didnt even know they had.
Get rid of your fat cells people, and do liver cleanses. Intermittent fasting. Drink adequete water (not juice, milk, soda, etc). Fat and liver is where all this latent bloodborne stuff gets stored.
The lockdowns (2020 wild wild west anything goes style reporting from msm, and officials, and total censorship of dissent on a global scale). This was meant to fatten people up wall-e style, for the next step (2021 'the shot heard around the world').
Luckily the narrative is cracking, i have normie and lib friends regularly pointing out the absurdity of clown world and actually seeing who is responsible for it. There is a wide spread normie awakening going on at the moment. To the point msm and officials are back peddling like Michael Jackson on stage. Based on my limited scope of people in my life and online, it looks to me like the biggest surge of shifted consciousness ive seen in my time.
Remember to triage normies as they awaken. Be nice, not vindictive or resentful. Refer them to the appropriate level of information for someone of their level of understanding. Find out what they know, and find out what piece of info it was that finally broke them. Make mental notes of these things for conversing with other normies.