Just going to walk in to work and refuse outright to wear a mask. I have a voice recorder that I plan on bringing with as well. I'm going to start doing my job without a mask, refuse to wear one, and tell them to give me a written letter of termination otherwise.
EDIT: Guys, prayers worked, SCOTUS didn't completely betray us all
Made my point, told them what I thought about the masks, and that I feel like I am being discriminated against. Regional was called and told me over the phone that I could lose my job over this. Told him that threatening my job over this is an act of illegal medical coercion.
Went and put my USA flag gaiter on (upside down, nation in distress) and REFUSED to cover my nose. After 15 minutes I started struggling to breathe and took it off. Now I don't have to wear a mask in back.
Then I started having massive waves of headaches and stomach pain that have been going on for the last hour or so and actually caused her to call someone in to cover my shift for me because she could see I was legitimately struggling.
Told her straight up that I'm getting the fakest mesh net mask I can find, because anything else is going to cause my body to react like that.
Paintball masks are also used to mock policies too
Read the reviews here lol https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Crusader-Airsoft-Strike-Steel/dp/B00EP6YW0Y/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1LPSZ0YQJRVMG&keywords=Paintball+mouth+guard&qid=1642094924&sprefix=paintball+mouth+guard%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-3
Thank you! gonna get 2!
I work with Covid patients in the hospital and we wear masks that severely limit breathing. You feel like you will pass out and you actually will pass out. We have respirators that you wear that are better. We have to wear these for tuberculosis also.
But we wear the cloth mask out of the Covid rooms and by about hour 9 out of 12 I get literally hostile over it. It makes my face hot and I feel not irritated but agitated. So when we chart we pull the masks down and I do it so often that I can’t recognize I’m pulling my mask down and not wearing it, it’s just a reaction to be comfortable or probably to breathe well.
No one in the hospital has said anything because they feel the same way. Patients haven’t said anything when I pull it down in rooms. No one.
We are all sick to death. The only time I try to wear it after I’ve had a mental breakdown at about hour 8 or 9 of wearing it is in the morning when management comes in. I know I’ve done this in front of them but they haven’t said anything as long as I wear the N95 in the Covid rooms. I think we are all up to fucking here with the masks and I was generally supportive in the early beginning before I knew that it caused insanity.
I can’t even tolerate wearing it under my nose. It’s rebreathing that hot air back in. It’s not that I’m out of breath. It’s that hot air on my face that makes me want to lose my shit.my suggestion for anyone else is to just pull it down under your chin for the most part and pull it back up when you are talking with someone. The point is to prevent droplets from flying out of your mouth on to another person. So logically why would you need to wear it when you aren’t on front of another person within 6 feet.
For the rest of you mask warriors, carry on. But just a suggestion that you can get away with it reasonably without any trouble as long as you are wearing it to walk in the hallway, but in your own space just pull that fucker under your chin, lol.
So that’s interesting you mention the stomach pain and headache I can understand but the stomach pain is curious.
There’s another nurse and we both get super nauseous when we are put with Covid patients. Like after an hour she’s in the BR throwing up and I’m taking nausea pills. At some point Covid is just part of our lives.
I’d rather get Covid for the fourth time than wear a mask but I know the mask wearing is recommended to protect others, not to protect myself. But seriously much of this was drawn in the beginning as an effort to end the pandemic. Moving forward they need to admit there’s no ending it, it’s now endemic and address the long term health outcomes whether it be discomfort or headache, in other situations this would be a hazard to get these symptoms because of a job.
Oh it’s fine just throwing up with a migraine at work. That’s fine now. Toughen up cupcake.
Problem is people will just get agitated and lose their shit and quit.
My position I believe masks work reasonably to protect others from large droplets so when you are sick wear one. Or I should wear one in front of my patients within six feet. That’s reasonable. But forcing a mask policy even when there’s not an outbreak, or in a wave in your area, these strategies should have been saved for these cases.
Just during a time it makes sense. The health officials don’t want to do their jobs and teach best practices during a time it’s needed so they blanketed the policy. Wear mask all the time forever! When even in an Ebola outbreak they taught when it’s appropriate to wear masks it wasn’t all the time for the rest of your life.