Kavanaugh skewered on siding with the left. What a huge disappointment he's been.
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This is what happens when you have no or a barely there majority in the Senate. You end up with barely there supposedly conservative nominees who turn into liberals as soon as they have a safe, lifetime berth on the court. Because nominees have to get past not only the Democrats but the weasels among the Republicans who truly are Republicans In Name Only.
This didn't become the case until 2013 when Reid used the so called nuclear option to get Obama appointees confirmed with a simple majority vote instead of 60 to beat the filibuster.
Now each party can submit much more polarizing candidates for consideration since they only need a majority to get them confirmed.
Our problem is Mitch (used to) control who gets considered on our side and he is a swamp guy, so he's only going to put swamp people in office, instead of true patriots. The other side has no problems with the swamp since that's who they are too.