Factfiler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven’t heard any real confirmation from anywhere on a stroke. Mini strokes are generally nothing and don’t result in a change. Just curious why people think he had a stroke at all.

Factfiler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yessssss!! This is exactly how they got a whole town to be quiet about so many known things that happened in SH, not to mention Newtown has one of the largest Satanic churches in the US.

Factfiler 14 points ago +14 / -0

Undine53 was one of the first names I noticed here when I migrated from voat years ago. Her posts were easy to spot since so many were stickied and they were all informative. She cared deeply, and I remember her encouragement to me when I posted about my husband’s stroke 2 years ago. Fren, you will be missed. Rest in peace.

Factfiler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those extra days are when they fill out mail in ballots to make enough to erase leads. Many “mailed in ballots” had no crease in them proving they were added somewhere along the way. I count votes in my county on Election Day, and about 30 people process thousands and thousands of ballots in 8 hours.

Factfiler 2 points ago +3 / -1

Absolutely. They’ve used several people posing at him, and in side by side pictures or comparisons to old shots, you can see it. PA people are much more familiar with him previously, and this isn’t the same guy.

Factfiler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. At times, Trump seems to be actually baiting them to send him to jail. What a precedent it sets for sending all the real criminals to jail.

Factfiler 13 points ago +13 / -0

He did a spotlight interview with Dave on x22. He’s pretty careful with who he interviews.

Factfiler 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve seen this stat for a couple years. I think it was a very small sampling and then over half of the women they were tracking just disappeared out of the study. The number they were left to analyze was now even smaller and the miscarriages, which did occur, represented a huge percentage of that small number. The number is accurate in that instance, but it’s not exactly a straight on look at all pregnancies with 81% miscarriages. I fully believe miscarriages happened due to the jab, but not at this rate across the board.

Factfiler 3 points ago +3 / -0

Serious question. Has she been jabbed? I’ve definitely seen some personality changes in a couple people that have been vaxxed to the max.

Factfiler 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do you have insurance through your work? Check on mental health benefits for some counseling. There is also telehealth so you don’t have to go anywhere. Therapists don’t tell you want to do, but they help you sort through your thoughts and emotions and you identify a direction and how to move forward. Sometimes just a few sessions can give you the clarity to unstick yourself to move forward.

Factfiler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look into faith based social services. Check your local food bank as most are connected in some way to churches who are supporting them.

Factfiler 15 points ago +15 / -0

My husband also guarded his phone, but I got into it when he was asleep one night and found out he was having on-line relationships with two women who were also scamming him of thousands of dollars. There’s a reason she’s guarding that phone.

Factfiler 12 points ago +12 / -0

She has abandoned the marriage which gives you grounds for divorce, at least it did for the 13 elders and pastors at my church who concurred that my husband had abandoned me and the marriage and allowed me to divorce and then to remarry.

Factfiler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. There are many Christian nonprofits around, although it does depend on your area. But seek those out for help with food, clothing, utilities and even a month a rent as well as as connecting you to a Christian community that cares.

Factfiler 6 points ago +6 / -0

I would have taken the flags back to the flight attendant area, asked who gave them to my minor child, and then told them I was considering filing charges for child sex solicitation. Wouldn’t have stuck legally, but it may have gotten someone to realize they stepped over the line by doing this without a parent present. And I would have felt better simply by speaking up and taking action.

Factfiler 4 points ago +4 / -0

I maintain a WWG1WGA sticker on my back window. Occasionally someone says something. One time someone took a piece of paper, wrote a Q on it and stuck it under my wiper. My last encounter was in Yellowstone National Park 3 years ago when I saw a truck with a sticker. We were all watching the moose, and I waited until I saw people return to the truck and went to talk with them. It was such a hoot.

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