Literally everyone I know around my area has gotten sick in last 3-4 months with the same thing. Add to that that many of us are typically loners that don't congregate or even go to town for weeks on end and well, something had to cause it. Lot of us got pretty sick but no one died. Had one banger of a fever/chills cycle going for a while.
I mean people have said Omicron is the cure. So maybe it's being released by the military in chemtrails.
That was my thought, too.
Literally everyone I know around my area has gotten sick in last 3-4 months with the same thing. Add to that that many of us are typically loners that don't congregate or even go to town for weeks on end and well, something had to cause it. Lot of us got pretty sick but no one died. Had one banger of a fever/chills cycle going for a while.