12 Is Ivermectin 1.87% Safe for Pregnant Woman? posted 3 years ago by PleasePassThePopcorn 3 years ago by PleasePassThePopcorn +12 / -0 My wife is a couple of months pregnant and she caught the flu. Please advise. God Bless and Hold The Line. 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I hope this video on the toxicity profile of IVM helps you with your question: https://youtu.be/ATiX0-2PEr4
TLDW: IVM has a safer toxicity profile than Advil
Edit: See also from the same channel, asking the question of IVM is horse dewormer or Nobel Prize winner: https://youtu.be/_blbVs8eBUk
Also if TLDW: It’s a Nobel Prize winner (and horse dewormer)
I'll watch them, thanks!
Yeah I was also concerned and didn't start taking it until after the baby was born. My India tablets specifically say don't take during pregnancy on the box.
Not sure, I know that HCQ is safe for pregnant women.
Malone on joe rogan said ivm is safer than hcq. Didnt specify pregnancy tho
But I heard pharmacies in our area isn't filling prescriptions.
List of Pharmacies that will fill.
It is more than 1.87% safe, it's 100% safe.
Pun intended. I'm not a doctor.
It's given to pregnant mares and their babies do just fine.
It is specifically safe to give to pregnant mares and young foals. In other words, yes.