17,371 through Q3 2021
FOI request posted @ https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsfromcovid19withnootherunderlyingcauses?s=08
- 2020: 9400 (0-64: 1549 / 65 and over: 7851)
- 2021 Q1: 6483 (0-64: 1560/ 65 and over: 4923)
- 2021 Q2: 346 (0-64: 153/ 65 and over: 193)
- 2021 Q3: 1142 (0-64: 512/ 65 and over: 630)
Ok but riddle me this why did the deaths drop dramatically after the vax became prevalent? Rest assured I will never take the clot shot but this data appears to support the vax.
Interesting point.
I'd also want to know more about how they were treating people in the early days. My understanding is that automatic remdesivir + ventilator was wrong.
Either way, a very low number of people, overall, to be locking up the country and destroying the economy for.