I know, I know. The ole tripe that fusion is only 30 years away... for 60 years now. I know but please bear with me. Many of us have likely checked out on this front but in actuality, I think we could finally see fusion power in our lifetime. Maybe sooner than we realize. As we speak, a fusion project based out of Europe, ITER, is leading the way in fusion research and actively constructing a fusion reactor they believe should produce a Q of at least 1 and up to 10. Or 500 MW of fusion power from 50 MW of input heating power. I also believe they are already designing the next iteration that, combined with the research of the reactor they are currently constructing, will produce viable power. Sometime in the early the 30s. The research reactor they are building now is slated to produce a positive Q around 2025.
This is absolutely massive. With over a million years of fusion fuel in the oceans alone, this could address major obstacles for humanity. From food and water production to geopolitical turmoil, near unlimited energy could be a major factor in addressing the trials we face as a species. I am a die hard optimist to a fault, so you'll have to forgive my enthusiasm but I see great potential in this for a number of reasons. One of my favorites for instance, is using fusion as an excellent tool in thwarting the nefarious climate change agenda. With such great promise and potential as the ultimate green energy, I have done well in many debates with CC advocates. Why waste precious funding on garbage sources of energy like wind and solar when we could dedicate it to fusion research that can produce reliable power that doesn't cripple society in the process? If we're this close to a positive Q, highest so far is .62 I believe, then dumping green funding into fusion research will only help us realize it sooner. Instead of utterly wasting it on broken systems like wind farms that simply can not supply enough power without destroying current society in the process ( the plan all along.)
As for potential proof in diverting green funding to expedite this dream, look no further than MITs SPARC reactor. A recent breakthrough in material sciences allowed the development of high temperature super conductors to be used in their fusion reactor magnets. This allows them to build much smaller reactors which in turn, allows for quicker construction and less power required to heat and maintain the plasma. As it stands, SPARC is also estimating a positive Q by 2025. If they do, and the success garners more funding, we could see functional fusion power by 2030. Maybe sooner if we stopped wasting billions on garbage green energy projects that stand no chance of supporting a future population of 10 billion people.
This in conjunction with another meaning of Q could prove interesting in regards to fusion. Q is also the highest security clearance in the Department of Energy. You know, the department that oversees large aspects of our fusion weapons and energy sector. Military technology is often decades ahead of the civilian sector. Other 'breakthroughs' could manifest in the years to come. Especially as critical energy crisis' loom on the horizon. Justifying the full application of our top secret science apparatus. Our modern day Manhattan Project, if you will. A great undertaking worthy of the human spirit that could address multiple calamities including farces like the Climate Change agenda. Just food for thought and a little hopium in these dire times.
Yes indeed, there are some very interesting connections between the two American titans. Enough to make the mind run wild with theories. If I may, I would maybe suggest, avoiding the use of the term free energy when you can. It has warranted a negative stigma and could impede in your ability to relay these ideas. Even if you're right and we do discover a power source one could classify as free energy, it could be possible, many in main stream thought immediately lump it in with flat earth conspiracy theories, and automatically shut down. I know, its bullshit considering Tesla was hinting at tech in this realm but we have to play these games if we want to win the infowar they're waging on the populous.