Taking that literally, because we should pay attention: what does that mean?
This is just my first thought but there are places that will want to join us. For a while. AU? NZ? Canada? UK? CROWN-controlled in the past?
And places that should unite for cleansing, and then declare independence. Puerto Rico perhaps?
And IMO some that might not want to be acquired, but that SHOULD be acquired. Greenland? Legendary historic home base of the Nephilim and Rephaim? Trump did hint that we should "buy" Greenland ;-)
And what about all of those creepy Cabal trips to Antarctica? Seems to be a Satanist/NWO stronghold there? Pretty sure that cannot be allowed in the future....So that too. Especially that.
He did make that comment about buying it.
How about making Washington DC part of the USA?
Give the land back to the two states the donated the property for it.
I say we get rid of DC forever. Never like the place. It's like LA it has a soul sucking feeling about it.