I posted this once before but I'm re-posting 'cause it didn't get a lot of traction lol. Basically I pulled the description of a cult member, and inserted the requirements (parenthesis) to become a Covid cult member. It didn't take long...it was very easy in fact, to see how the Covid cult member has been uh...cultivated... And this was by design imho:
Cult members become “clones” of the group leader
Cult mentality is usually absolutist, simplistic, rigid, and rooted in terms of black-and-white, Us vs. Them, good vs. evil (Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated). Rather than examining evidence and then forming beliefs based on that evidence, cult members start with the “answer” (Just get vaccinated!) and pay much more attention to evidence or ideas that support that belief (MSM/CNN/NBC/The View, Etc). They are reluctant to re-assess the ideology or listen to other viewpoints.
Because cults teach thought-stopping behaviors (deploying “fact checkers”/blocking/shadow banning/deplatforming) in order to suppress negative or disloyal thoughts, cult members may have difficulty concentrating when presented with a message which contradicts their group leader or doctrine (CDC/WHO/Biden Administration). They may change the subject, deflect, use loaded language (“conspiracy theorist” ‘anti-vaxxer”), or get angry and defensive. They may even start meditating, singing, chanting, or praying.
Cult members receives conditional “love” based on their level of conformity
If a typical cult member experiences failure (vaccine doesn’t prevent Covid, or side effects of vaccine results in severe illness or death), they don’t blame the doctrine or practices of the group (vaccination). They blame their own “weakness” or “impurity” and are driven to work harder to conform (“it could have been a lot worse”…”I must have needed a booster”). Cult members often turn this judgmental attitude onto their own friends and family, preaching to them as if they need to be converted (“why won’t you get the vax – you NEED to get the vax!”).
Their morality is determined by group doctrine instead of conscience or reality
Cult members are often caught in a fantasy of an ideal past that never existed, or a vision of a Utopian future (Zero Covid/Elimination of Covid). Or, they may live their lives with a terrible sense of urgency and anxiety about an impending Armageddon event (“we’re all gonna die from Covid!”). They are not anchored in the here and now, or in reality (average survivability of 99.9%). Cult members are taught to suspend logic (i.e. natural immunity no longer exists,), avoid reality-testing (don’t test your post-vaccination antibody levels, ignore the VAERS reports.), and believe in Truth with a capital T or “alternative facts” (gene therapy is now considered a “vaccine”). One example from the Jehovah’s Witnesses is their version of the Bible which is not based on any translation recognized by Bible scholars or other people outside the group.
Solemnity, Fear, and Guilt
Cult members are manipulated through fear and guilt (“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”). They are made to feel there is a threat to their identity, safety, families, health, country, or spiritual well-being (“if you don’t get the vaccine, you’ll kill grandma”). They may blame problems on scapegoats such as ex-members, racial/ethnic groups, Satan, or foreigners (the unvaccinated). As Eric Hoffer wrote in his book The True Believer, “Usually, the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil.” Cults instill phobias in their members to keep them afraid of criticizing or leaving the group. Cult members may fear that if they deviate, something bad will happen to them such as sickness, death in the family, accident, insanity, or job loss (“you could be an asymptomatic spreader!”) Sometimes, these threats are real and not just irrational phobias! (“Get the jab or lose your job.”) Some cults retaliate against critics and ex-members (“those who spread “misinformation” are criminals!” The unvaccinated should be denied access to restaurants/bars/venues/etc.)
Dependency on the Cult and Obedience to the Leader
Cult members are led to believe that their leader is the only one who can help them solve problems, achieve enlightenment, protect them from threats, or whatever else they have been promised. Their leader (Fauci) tells them, “Trust me, I know.” Cult members obey their leader, changing their speech, dress, diet, sleeping patterns, sexual behaviors, relationships, and habits to conform to group expectations.
There are ways to break these patterns and create your own authentic identity and beliefs. If you suspect that you have been unduly influenced, take a step back from the group for at least three days. Take a break from any group materials or activities. Get plenty of sleep. Eat healthy food. Study models of mind control. Talk to critics and ex-members (the unvaxxed). Try to examine your own experiences honestly. Don’t be a cult clone. Life is so much more fulfilling and beautiful when you’re able to be yourself and appreciate the diversity of the human experience (Allowing people to make their own, personal decisions on how to best care for their health and the health of their loved ones).
good synopsis, thank you for sharing