Then what do you call it when there's a mass recaII on a nobel prize winning D R U G that just so happens to have been available for human use since 1987 and has had NO ISSUES since? Until, of course, it was touted as a potential life saving cure by virtue of it being a zinc ionophore.
First two talk about zinc and zinc ionophores as it inhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase aka R d R p (this is a known fact) which is pivotal retroviruses like c19 in order to replicate. The latter two if memory serves talks about the merit of using the D R U G that shall not be named.
Then what do you call it when there's a mass recaII on a nobel prize winning D R U G that just so happens to have been available for human use since 1987 and has had NO ISSUES since? Until, of course, it was touted as a potential life saving cure by virtue of it being a zinc ionophore.
NlH articles PMC6628855 PMC2973827 PMC8383101 PMC7709596.
First two talk about zinc and zinc ionophores as it inhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase aka R d R p (this is a known fact) which is pivotal retroviruses like c19 in order to replicate. The latter two if memory serves talks about the merit of using the D R U G that shall not be named.
Also, for as many studies as you could want from everywhere.