I was going to say, that price is cheap… it’s $4.85/gallon for 87 here and I probably average around $70 each time I fill up. Really bites into the wallet.
Oh yea. That area is still beautiful. Though, every time I visit, I manage to see a male cow on a female cow.
The new trend in that area, and also a lot of the popular tourist sites, is thieves using the apple trackers, putting it under cars of people carrying expensive camera gear, and tracking down where they live, followed by burglary in the middle of the night. This hasn’t happened too often, but I’ve heard enough photographers talk about it that I’m more on-guard now when visiting tourist spots
I was going to say, that price is cheap… it’s $4.85/gallon for 87 here and I probably average around $70 each time I fill up. Really bites into the wallet.
...what state is it that am I going to have to drive around?
California.. and specifically Bay Area. Avoid San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose area
...back in the 80's I lived around Half Moon Bay...
...I was a pup and thought I was in Heaven....
Oh yea. That area is still beautiful. Though, every time I visit, I manage to see a male cow on a female cow.
The new trend in that area, and also a lot of the popular tourist sites, is thieves using the apple trackers, putting it under cars of people carrying expensive camera gear, and tracking down where they live, followed by burglary in the middle of the night. This hasn’t happened too often, but I’ve heard enough photographers talk about it that I’m more on-guard now when visiting tourist spots
Oh yea, park your car outside too long, and you might lose a catalytic converter. It’s pretty bad here
...creative uses for a battery powered sawz all #51....