that's what I think^ that it's a cold, and they're all working themselves into a frenzy, from mass psychosis. President Trump is a fan of Norman Vincent Peale (power of positive thinking) so he knows our thoughts have power to cause dis-ease or heal.
been 30 years, but yes I did read a lot of EC. was amazing back then because we didn't have internet, so it was all new/different information. And yes, he did talk about that. thanks for reminding me, need look him up again.
that's what I think^ that it's a cold, and they're all working themselves into a frenzy, from mass psychosis. President Trump is a fan of Norman Vincent Peale (power of positive thinking) so he knows our thoughts have power to cause dis-ease or heal.
been 30 years, but yes I did read a lot of EC. was amazing back then because we didn't have internet, so it was all new/different information. And yes, he did talk about that. thanks for reminding me, need look him up again.