Where there’s smoke there’s fire, Q hit piece has some incredible KEYwords
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Wow! Excellent Find! I just read a post about an EBS going off and Batman mentioned also.
I think with all these coming out....d class is coming.
Amazing Find! Good Job!!
Your post got me thinking about connecting the dots of faceless Clinton and frazzledrip. Didn’t expect to come across this many connections, it might be hard to articulate but I think we all instinctively know where it leads at this point
The author of this is Stephanie Kemmerer. An obvious DS mouthpeice. Like a crazy antifa cat-lesbian version of Mike Rothschild. This is Steph
Heres her bio (in her own words):
Heres the only visible thing on her private twitter page (note the phrase "Gotham doubt is the way out" in relation to the OP hit-piece about "Gotham"):
Sorry Steph but if you werent offered a deal by now, then there is no way out. NCSWIC.
Steph makes a lot of anti Q posts on various websites. Heres a long rambling piece called "Controlling The Narrative". This one seems to be complaining that the general public is waking up too much.
She was an unsuccessful writer since 2014 (her linkedin). Sometime in 2021 she suddenly starts being actually published with all her mUh qAnOn hitpeices.
Now why would the DS pick this particular freelance writer out of the many available? Because she is a fucking weirdo. The type of person would jump at the chance to sell her soul for even a tiny bit of success.
Look at her tatts which she proudly displays, including a set of "7 deadly sins" images. There is probably a whole box-set of kompromat DVDs featuring this oxygen thief.
Comparison image here to confirm its the same Steph: https://cfimichigan.org/event/sip-020421-kemmerer/
Let's go easy... She? is a mental health advocate after all!