AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

This youtuber is doing some good work providing more data points.


The short fat one that ducked and hid behind Trump (then fumbled the holstering) seems to actually be in a supervisor role. She was videoed on location as part of the prep team days before the shooting.

Also the fact Jill Biden had an event nearby is now being used as an excuse for Trump getting the idiot DEI team.

This video from the same guy is a good breakdown of the event.


AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember the day Superman dropped a nuke on Zimbabwe in retaliation.

Good times...good times

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ahhh. I thought there might have been a Stacey Abhrams nomination or something...carry on.

And ok I wont delete the biden meme folder just yet.

AllMostThere 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not normal behavior by her at all.

I swear she briefly smiles when the first shot happens, then instantly starts filming.

AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0

No... fuck that cucked out attitude.

Which bible verse says not to mock DEI hires?

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

TLDR for every covid article you will ever read from this point forward:

It was fake and people are slowly admitting it.

AllMostThere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Youre right. Although sometimes I think it should be left up so ppl can see that it was fake. If it just disappears then no one gets to see the anon comments trying to tell everyone its fake.

Maybe instead of deleting it we can put a big fake news in the title or as top comment then lock the thread?

AllMostThere 9 points ago +10 / -1

Good post as always.

Do we need a list of known bullshit sources? Pretty much all mutations of RealRawNews...maybe list known twitter accounts that are not to be trusted.

Using common sense and 30 seconds in a search engine to verify is apparently too difficult for some people.

But this is for the noobs. The usual suspects with several year old accounts that still do this have absolutely no excuse. Sorry but they can fuck off with that upvote farming bullshit and get their dopamine fix from somewhere else in life.

AllMostThere 9 points ago +9 / -0

I also suspect some of the fake posts receiving lots of upvotes is a coordinated thing. Its way more than normal. Right now there is yet another highly upvoted bullshit post in "hot" (the Kamala calling for t-shirt kid to be banned post...completely fake).

We are in an information war. Disinfo is an old trick used to poison the well and drive curios normies away. With the elections coming you would be an idiot not to realize GAW would come under attack at such an important time.

But that was really about the "hide liked" feature (which I would never dream of using and had forgotten about).

I like to think there arent that many anons just upvoting bullshit in order to hide the post on their screen?

That also ties in with forum sliding....i.e. people doing it to hide the 5 posts of the same meme that the same usual suspects have copy/pasted from twitter.

AllMostThere 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is photoshopped.

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure that's a factor.

People at this level of power (not to mention their age) marry for a list of reasons, and love is lucky to be a sidenote on the bottom of that list.

But if you look into the laws there are certain exceptions where spousal immunity can be overruled. And criminal/civil law wouldn't matter in a military tribunal.

Perhaps this is an attempt to stop some the gory details being released to the public via subsequent criminal/civil lawsuits?

They could be wrong and it wont help squat. Or maybe part of a deal offered. No idea, but nothing about this engagement is normal.

AllMostThere 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm still shaking my head at the 'we nuked China' posts/comments.

And intersting point about people mindlessly upvoting just to hide a post. Does this really happen that often?

AllMostThere 15 points ago +15 / -0

Good post. Should have addressed the completely fake posts that we are being overrun with. And i mean obvious fakes that are getting 100+ upvotes every day.

And when did anons start to worry about feelings over facts? Leave that weak minded thin skinned bs to the 4-6% lost forever types.

AllMostThere 17 points ago +17 / -0

Spousal privilege is a legal concept that refers to the protection afforded to married couples from being forced to testify against each other in criminal and civil legal proceedings.

In criminal law, there are two types of spousal privileges: spousal testimonial privilege and spousal communication privilege. Spousal testimonial privilege is the right of a spouse to refuse to testify against their spouse in a criminal proceeding. This means that a spouse cannot be compelled to testify against their spouse in court, even if they have relevant information that could incriminate their spouse.

Spousal communication privilege, on the other hand, protects communications made between spouses from being disclosed in court. This privilege applies to confidential communications made between spouses during their marriage, and it can be asserted by either spouse.


AllMostThere 23 points ago +23 / -0

She was a Careers Counselor for JourneyCare which is a hospice provider:


Hospice providers were raking in big bucks for each covid patient.

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

The photos most likely been color corrected in photoshop like every single photo of any female on the internet these days, but its not ai generated.

She has the same freckle/mole about half way up her torso that you can see in other photos. Like this one:


The dress is also fairly unique. Found an image of her wearing something similar:


That similar image is from 2022:


AllMostThere 1 point ago +2 / -1

Retardism triumphs when non-retarded men do nothing.

I understand your attitude and have felt the same way in the past, but if this site keeps turning into a retarded fake news clickbait aggregator, than whats the point?

Do not go gentle into that retarded night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

AllMostThere 0 points ago +1 / -1

This happened in 2015. Before the age of Trump, Q, or CNN fact-checkers.

But feel free to prove me wrong. You have the same internet that I have.

I'll wait.

AllMostThere 2 points ago +3 / -1

No he still does that.... posted an actual Real Raw News fake bullshit article just a few days ago.

Then posted a fake Trump Truth like the next day (dont know which ones worse tbh). Dude has a 3 year old account here, and has been doing the same shit the whole time.


Most of the highly intelligent OG truth seeking anons that used to call out his (and others) bullshit have since left unfortunately.

The retards are reaching critical mass here, and the fake news cancer is spreading and seriously getting out of hand lately.

Retardism triumphs when non-retarded men do nothing.

Do not go gentle into that retarded night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Congrats on being the only person here to actually pause and question the authenticity of this highly dubious post with zero source.

It is fake. Was originally spread in 2015.


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