I'm not a doctor but I could see through this from the start. This means doctors aren't necessarily brighter tha. The average Joe. Which means we overinflate our opinions of most of them.
As someone who has unfortunately been hospitalized 7 times, and seen over 10 different specialists, I can tell you there are doctors who are complete and utter morons. Most of them also do not listen to their patients. Ever know anyone who cheated in school? I knew tons of people who cheated. I'm sure plenty of doctors cheated their way in.
I'm not a doctor but I could see through this from the start. This means doctors aren't necessarily brighter tha. The average Joe. Which means we overinflate our opinions of most of them.
I do not trust the medical profession at all.
I went into a doc appt yesterday and I was educating her on several things related to a known drug that's been out for decades. It was sad.
As someone who has unfortunately been hospitalized 7 times, and seen over 10 different specialists, I can tell you there are doctors who are complete and utter morons. Most of them also do not listen to their patients. Ever know anyone who cheated in school? I knew tons of people who cheated. I'm sure plenty of doctors cheated their way in.