This is awesome
It is however striking and odd that on the one hand we have a post paying tribute to Donald Trump, the modern day King David and unapologetic champion of 🇮🇱 Israel and right next to it is a post which could easily be parody in terms of its ridiculous and illogical expressions of hatred for the Jewish people and their homeland Israel. As Trump loves Israel 🇮🇱 more than any other US President in history and as he knows ALL the ‘secrets’ can we please send those vile and disgusting Jew haters who lurk here back to George Soros funded Alex Jones or even the DNC? The dichotomy between Trump our leader, the Q message and these vermin could not be more apparent. SICKENING
This is awesome It is however striking and odd that on the one hand we have a post paying tribute to Donald Trump, the modern day King David and unapologetic champion of 🇮🇱 Israel and right next to it is a post which could easily be parody in terms of its ridiculous and illogical expressions of hatred for the Jewish people and their homeland Israel. As Trump loves Israel 🇮🇱 more than any other US President in history and as he knows ALL the ‘secrets’ can we please send those vile and disgusting Jew haters who lurk here back to George Soros funded Alex Jones or even the DNC? The dichotomy between Trump our leader, the Q message and these vermin could not be more apparent. SICKENING