I wonder why...
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"Perfectly normal."
This is exactly why medical advancements take so long to happen. We wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait until finally a study is done. Then we wait , and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and do one more study. More waiting, followed by more studying, followed by more waiting, until some fucking intern at a media outlet is told to do a write up on tHe ScIeNcE.
But by that time, untold numbers of people have either died, been sent to hospice or are forever customers of the industry that just cares so SOO fucking much about your health.
Infuriating is an understatement.
I am right there with you.
Except when it comes to the vax. 2 months of poor quality testing and we're good to go! Start forcing pregnant women and toddlers to get it.
Exactly. They're doing everything they can to get it on the childhood vaccine schedule so pharma has ZERO LEGAL LIABILITY for the coof shots FOREVER.