Wins of the Day: January 20, 2022 🏆 WINS OF THE DAY 🏆
posted ago by WinsAnon ago by WinsAnon +356 / -0
  1. Poll says only 28% of likely voters want Biden to run for President in 2024 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/20/how-low-can-he-go-poll-reveals-joe-bidens-approval-craters-at-one-year-mark/

  2. Secret Service hid names and information on Hunter’s overseas travel while Joe was VP https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/gop-senators-grassley-johnson-secret-service-hid-names-information-hunter-bidens-overseas-travel/

  3. Psaki struggles to spin why Biden said the 2022 elections won’t be legitimate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/psaki-spins-like-top-reporters-confront-joe-bidens-comments-questioning-legitimacy-2022-midterm-elections-video/

  4. Time Magazine savages Biden on cover commemorating his first year in office https://www.foxnews.com/media/time-magazine-cover-biden-first-year

  5. Scottish data exposes that vaccinated are struggling with omicron more than unvaxxinated https://archive.fo/TsJQB

  6. 82.5% of voters aged 18-24 want Fauci out https://slaynews.com/news/young-americans-fauci-demand-resignation-polls/

  7. The Left goes further off-the-charts insane as demonstrated by NYPD arresting 9 year old girl for going into a museum without a vaccine card https://twitter.com/yael_becker/status/1484196546358956032

  8. See this prediction of Biden’s first year which was made one year ago https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1484255420264943621/photo/1

  9. Memory-hole this Bill Gates tweet in 2019 saying the biggest investment opportunity for the Gates Foundation is in vaccines https://twitter.com/BillGates/status/1207681997612748801 (and someone please archive this)

  10. Dem. Robert Reich jumps to the front of the line as a misogynist https://twitter.com/heckyessica/status/1484153828371009536/photo/1

  11. I can’t laugh hard enough, as Pelosi says Democrat members of the House are the greatest collection of intellect and integrity anywhere https://rumble.com/vsywex-lol-pelosi-says-house-dems-are-the-greatest-collection-of-intellect-and-int.html

See you tomorrow.