It is fast approaching. I think we need to be accepting to the brainwashed retards and try console them when the truth is fully revealed. I went through a severe depression when I found out how evil the world truly was, and dealing with it all alone was pure hell. Yeah, these dipshits have treated us like shit over the years but I think one of the main purposes of Q was to create hardened soldiers like us to help stop the normies from their brains exploding. Fuck me I want to go on the offensive after all the shit we've taken, but rising above it, consoling them and treating them with love is exactly how God would want us to conduct ourselves. We were all under the satanic dream-spell once upon a time too. This is our chance to show how all along all we wanted was to help our friends and family, not just to be proven right. Soon they will be coming to us for answers and we need to be there for them, especially the parents who have basically sentenced their children to death. This will be our chance to finally unite and show the world that love truly does conquer all.
Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;
I mean I’m certainly not going to forgive someone in the middle of a fist fight. I mean can we at least neutralize the threat first? Again I think everyone here already understands that, the redemptive power of forgiveness not only for the forgiven but also the forgiver Most people here are Christians. We don’t need to be sermonized or preachedto about this. So if someone is doing that, and also other people who agree with them - and I’ve noticed some said some pretty emotionally manipulative things, like “you don’t wanna be like liberals, do you“ - what kind of person do most Christians need to be manipulated or sermonized in order to forgive? Pretty damn bad people. And forgiveness should not come with tolerance. They should not be allowed in our society any longer if they tried to murder our children in mass numbers. Why in the world would Jesus want that? Why would he demand we continue to accept them into our society?
If someone raped and murdered a baby they would be put to death. At least let the parents forgive him AFTER the murderer has been punished.