Interesting that a small, poorly-to-moderately-funded investigative journalism business can find and expose bad actors and corruption better than massive government-sponsored agencies/organizations.
Makes one wonder where all the time, money and effort is spent on at those agencies/organizations.
Was tempted to make these posts myself and they're all around 1 min long. The others are:
WAROOM: Steve Bannon and James O'Keefe talk about the future of journalism in America
WATCH: Candace Owens torches FBI for raiding James O'Keefe - "I knew this was just PURE THUGGERY."
OAN: Dan Ball crushes FBI/Pfizer over Judicial Watch's FOIA report targeting Project Veritas
WATCH: Joe Pags and James O'Keefe talk the future of Press Freedom and Journalist Accountability
James O'Keefe expresses the importance of undercover journalism with Anna Khait
Thank you. I really like Project Veritas
Interesting that a small, poorly-to-moderately-funded investigative journalism business can find and expose bad actors and corruption better than massive government-sponsored agencies/organizations.
Makes one wonder where all the time, money and effort is spent on at those agencies/organizations.
So are you joe. Never liked you until recently. Keep it up.