ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

JDV still has to prove himself, but yeah, NH would DEFINITELY have been the gop uniparty members' choice to head the ticket and they would most likely have been able to "slide her in" to the position had the attempt been successful. The country - and world - literally dodged a fatal bullet.

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Likely the same group that called the hit on JFK, . . .

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

While they both talk about Devolution and CoG, PP (Jon) was the original researcher and has pointed out numerous errors in DJ's subsequent research, timelines and logic.

ilovetrump4 6 points ago +8 / -2

Q never said they were in control of everything.

While NCSWIC, the enemy still has a say in what they do and some of what they do will be evil, thwart, delay and/or change WH plans and remove characters from the movie.

Nature is also a factor that must be taken into account because, like it or not, people do die.

IMHO, Q team et al have gamed out and planned for a myriad of contingencies, including demise/change of personnel. Thus, they can be said to be in control of the ultimate outcome, even if they're not in control of every character, scene or chapter along the way.

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Ol' Playbook has been used for almost EVERY op -

*assassinations and attempts (Reagan, [Ford], MLK, Malcolm x),

*"terrorism" (9/11),

*events and narratives (even if it is a long term narrative shift) to change funding/agendas/laws/leadership (Challenger, environment/climate change, COVID, ELECTIONS) and

*wars and regime changes (WWI, WWII, Vietnam, middle east wars, "operations" and skirmishes), etc., etc., etc.

because the basic formula is relatively simple (create crisis/event->identify "cause"->present findings/results/"solution" all while manipulating perceptions and implementing the op's ultimate goal) and BECAUSE IT WORKS:

As appropriate to the op, choose from among a variety of processes, including -

*set the stage - location, time, target and any other necessary circumstantial prerequisites;

*orchestrate a series of failures/incompetence leading up to a traumatic "event";

*execute the traumatic "event";

*ensure chaos/emotional response, capture footage and replay event over and over and over to ensure mass awareness and trauma;

*identify a patsy/patsies/scapegoat(s);

*eliminate (kill/hide/disappear) patsy/patsies/scapegoat(s);

*seed narrative about the patsy/patsies/scapegoat(s);

*insert poor and/or conflicting reporting/eye witness accounts to highten uncertainty;

*use the same people/agencies/organizations who planned and executed the scheme to "investigate" it (cover it up);

*produce "official" (bs) report with enough detail/data to be plausible but not enough to "prove" its accuracy;

*seal/classify the "evidence" and most "investigation" material "for national safety" or some such bs reason:

*shove the "official" narrative down the public’s throats and propagandize it as being the only reaonable conclusion;

*demonize questioners/deniers as mentally-unstable, mentally-challenged, nazis/facists or "conspiracy theorists";

*present a "solution" to "protect" the people/the country/humanity from future similar events (further restrict personal rights [Patriot Act, TSA, gun control], foment wars against "bad" scapegoat(s)/actors/groups/ethnicities/countries/products)

*other op-specific

Research "Project Gladio" for more info about a decades-long overarching, worldwide op that has - and continues to - repeat the Ol' Playbook as one of its primary tools.

ilovetrump4 9 points ago +9 / -0

According to the official narrative.

Cancer was the official cause of NoName's demise, yet Q predicted it to the minute.

'One might wonder,. . .

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Assuming he has the authority to do so.

Also, dunno if ANYONE can pardon treason.

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

They'll set it up so the DNC honchos can just pick whomever they want, with no voter input. (Basically telling Dems they have no say, so suck it and deal with it.)

Whomever they run could sacrifice their career if the Dems/DS/cabal aren't absolutely positive they can steal the election for them because, USUALLY, once someone runs for president and loses, they're tagged as a loser/not a good bet and are relegated to lesser political positions or to the NGO world.

ilovetrump4 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bongino, former SS, ranted about their incompetence and verified that no 3rd party authorization or need to wait for a shot from the sniper was necessary because it was patently obvious that there was an imminent threat.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The 25th will haunt" doesn't necessarily mean that the 25th will remove. They may find themselves stuck with Ol' Sniffy despite their best efforts to remove him.

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unless it's all an act to seem stable enough to "win" but demented "just enough" to avoid prosecution when the time comes. ("Real" Joe is - and has always been - a selfish, narcissistic, grifting bully and coward who'd likely do ANYTHING to save his sirry a-s.)

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup. They know they can't win via the ballot, so they tried via the bullet.

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +2 / -1

Agree. Probably another DS/uniprty/cabal shill or glowie board infiltrator.

A top advisor to Dem megadonor Reid Hoffman instructed journalists to pursue a narrative that Trump staged the shooting himself.



ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shill much? Glow much?

3 injured and 1 dead with the "plan" being that a shot misses blowing your brains out by only a few millimeters is NOT a "plan" that PDJT would approve of or implement. That is orchestrated DS/uniparty/cabal propaganda/narrative bs.

A top advisor to Dem megadonor Reid Hoffman instructed journalists to pursue a narrative that Trump staged the shooting himself.



ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will likely come tribute to down-ballot races they believe they have better chances of winning and controlling

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Politically-based(/arranged?) union (+the $ doesn't hurt, either).

H.A.: 1975/07/28 A.S.: 1985/10/27

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Perhaps some skeletons in her closet - the kind that PDJT's admin might reveal - could get her Gitmo'd or "terminated" and is, "Reeeing!" for her life.

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