Don’t forget Trump took Pence - who I’m honestly not sure if he’s good or bad. He looks like a bad guy but that Chris Miller comment about his leadership and inspiration always made me question.
I think Reagan may have been a white hat attempt To overthrow the cabal until he got shot and for whatever reason backed down. I think they took their time to replan and settled on Trump as their winning horse. That’s just my opinion though.
Reagan, God bless him, he wasn't perfect but I do think he loved America and wanted the best for us.
I could believe that, up until he accepted H.W. as his running mate and eventual V.P.
Once that happened, Reagan lost all control and cucked himself.
If he ever wasn't a cuck to being with. Which, I doubt.
And that's the thing about this war we're fighting. It's hard to tell who is, and who isn't a Cabalite cuck asshole.
Don’t forget Trump took Pence - who I’m honestly not sure if he’s good or bad. He looks like a bad guy but that Chris Miller comment about his leadership and inspiration always made me question.
I think Reagan may have been a white hat attempt To overthrow the cabal until he got shot and for whatever reason backed down. I think they took their time to replan and settled on Trump as their winning horse. That’s just my opinion though.
This reminded me of what biden said “A three letter word JOBS J-O-B-S.” It gets me every time!
^Enjoy the 17 comments^
They didn't finish the sentence. ..... let us steal, squander, mandate, and take everything we want or we pay our friends to imprison you.
Don't forget, "Secret Fuckery" and "Super Secret Fuckery."
I'm thinking the most feared words in English are "I never knew you".