Greetings Anons!
I have endeavored upon a great task that I believe will bring accessibility to the Department of Defense Law of War Manual.
I have begun a chapter by chapter translation of this manual into a series of videos that will be hosted over on Rumble. I have done so as a tribute to the members of our armed forces, and to the diligent researchers on this board. In translating this manual to audio and video, I hope to bring more researchers into the discussion of the Law of War manual. This manual is a quintessential document for Q research, and should be read, or listened to in its entirety by all members of The Great Awakening board.
Thus far, the following sections and chapters of The Law of War Manual have been uploaded over on Rumble.
Law of War Chapter I: General Background
Law of War Chapter II: Principles
Law of War: Chapter III: Applications of the Law of War
Law of War: Chapter IV: Classes of Persons
Law of War Chapter V: Conduct of Hostilities
Law of War Chapter VI — Weapons
Law of War Chapter VII — Wounded, Sick, Shipwrecked, Dead, and the Medical Services
Law of War Chapter VIII — Detention: Overview and Baseline Rules
Law of War — Chapter IX: Prisoners of War (POWs)
Law of War Chapter X: Civilians in the Hands of a Party to the Conflict
Law of War Chapter XI: Military Occupation
Research Threads
Each week I will be translating 1 - 2 additional chapters of the Law of War Manual. Some chapters may require more than one week to complete. I welcome the feedback of the Anons of The Great Awakening. If you have advice on how I can improve the viewing and listening experience, please share your thoughts. If you would like to volunteer to read chapters of this manual and be included in future videos, please send me a private message so that we may discuss this possibility. Presently, I am using a neural synthesized voice to get the job done, as I require the full capacity of my voice for the work I do by day.
I hope this project will be of service to the members of this board. Y'all are like family to me, and this project has become a way for me to give back to this community which has given me so much over the last year.
Majiceyesqnly is the go to source, he broke the ground and made the very (most) important discovery inside the Q posts and their relationship to "The Law of War Manual."
Majic Eyes Qnly is doing the divine work of God. His decodes are part of what motivated me to start this project.
Where Carl goes for the "needle in the hey stack" approach, I opted for the "burn the hey stack" approach by brute forcing the entire manual into audio. I respect Carl and his dedication with his decodes. Hopefully my project can help get more researchers to take a look at the Law of War and help Carl with his future decodes.
Hay, hay. I got you, every contribution helps. Make history brother.