I've been listening to Hannity on and off for over a decade and I do believe the guy has a genuine love for his audience and what he believes is best for the country. The problem is he is easily influenced and he isn't very intelligent. There isn't blackmail on him and he isn't a pedophile or a devil worshiper. He just doesn't have a lot of experience outside of entertainment and news media. Yes, he worked blue collar jobs when he was young and got his start on the radio in his 20s. But that's it. Hannity started radio in his 20s and now hes 60 and hasn't worked any real jobs since then! He has very little exposure outside of this and he's become a bit disconnected from reality and is just there to repeat the same old over and over again. Reagan good, republicans good, democrats bad, liberals bad!
I've been listening to Hannity on and off for over a decade and I do believe the guy has a genuine love for his audience and what he believes is best for the country. The problem is he is easily influenced and he isn't very intelligent. There isn't blackmail on him and he isn't a pedophile or a devil worshiper. He just doesn't have a lot of experience outside of entertainment and news media. Yes, he worked blue collar jobs when he was young and got his start on the radio in his 20s. But that's it. Hannity started radio in his 20s and now hes 60 and hasn't worked any real jobs since then! He has very little exposure outside of this and he's become a bit disconnected from reality and is just there to repeat the same old over and over again. Reagan good, republicans good, democrats bad, liberals bad!
He tells you enough that you believe he is on your side..the problem with Faux in general..they never name (((them)))..=controlled ooposition