yeah we know, "they've" actually succeeded in killing a bunch of us with an engineered bioweapon that Trump/Q had to have known was coming, but apparently it was a necessary part of the Plan to just let it fucking happen. And the fucking chemtrail flights are still happening, which I am convinced from consistent personal experience that my lungs and body feel significantly worse when that stuff gets sprayed over my residential area. So, I'm glad to see all the corrupt CEOs get booted, and the other positive Q evidences, but I feel kind of duped as well.
yeah we know, "they've" actually succeeded in killing a bunch of us with an engineered bioweapon that Trump/Q had to have known was coming, but apparently it was a necessary part of the Plan to just let it fucking happen. And the fucking chemtrail flights are still happening, which I am convinced from consistent personal experience that my lungs and body feel significantly worse when that stuff gets sprayed over my residential area. So, I'm glad to see all the corrupt CEOs get booted, and the other positive Q evidences, but I feel kind of duped as well.