It's the same story every time there's a republican candidate in the lead. Bridgeport or Hartford starts having problems and they quit counting then by morning low and behold it's another democrat
CT Pedes need to organize and watch their every move. No more Philly style counting in the middle of the night! Get WTIC involved in getting the word out too.
It's the same story every time there's a republican candidate in the lead. Bridgeport or Hartford starts having problems and they quit counting then by morning low and behold it's another democrat
CT Pedes need to organize and watch their every move. No more Philly style counting in the middle of the night! Get WTIC involved in getting the word out too.
What channel is WTIC again? 😅 I don't pay attention to cable TV. I have antenna, only pick up NBC CT
WTIC 1080 talk radio