Screw 60+% remaining private... then Q is as much a shadow player as the cabal because that 60% will protect a LOT of evil people.
We can't correct problems we don't know about.
The Founding Fathers published pamphlets to educate the public and spur debate over the Constitution; I don't see any reason why that can't be used here. Sacred cows (corrupt institutions) aren't supposed to be (falsely) revered because of shadowy protection. F that.
If actual patriots ("good" people) are in control, then burn the evil ones out. If this really is a global op, then every country will be impacted and have the same weakness exposed... and we should be fine because Q said "you are safe." Mean it, or don't say it.
Where We Go One We Go All? Right back to a world where 60% of the evil are cozy, safe, and unexposed? Pass.... Not that I have a choice in the matter at this point.
A lot of Q assertions were known before Q posts - the cabal, trafficking, etc. Q made some veiled links and some big promises that haven't come true, that's it.
Screw 60+% remaining private... then Q is as much a shadow player as the cabal because that 60% will protect a LOT of evil people.
We can't correct problems we don't know about.
The Founding Fathers published pamphlets to educate the public and spur debate over the Constitution; I don't see any reason why that can't be used here. Sacred cows (corrupt institutions) aren't supposed to be (falsely) revered because of shadowy protection. F that.
If actual patriots ("good" people) are in control, then burn the evil ones out. If this really is a global op, then every country will be impacted and have the same weakness exposed... and we should be fine because Q said "you are safe." Mean it, or don't say it.
Where We Go One We Go All? Right back to a world where 60% of the evil are cozy, safe, and unexposed? Pass.... Not that I have a choice in the matter at this point.
What if we knew nothing.. Or Q post didnt exist..?
A lot of Q assertions were known before Q posts - the cabal, trafficking, etc. Q made some veiled links and some big promises that haven't come true, that's it.