I have a nurse friend who is a libtard Branch Covidian. She tells me, "IVM causes fungal pneumonia in my patients."
And so I ask, "Are they being dosed Remdesevir?"
And she says, "Yeah, so? It doesn't happen when they're only on Remdesevir. IVM is giving them the pneumonia."
Guys, this is BS. IVM doesn't do this. I say it's the remdesevir and venting, but "what do I know? I'm not a nurse." Anyone here know anything about this?
It's probably the cross med reaction of IVM trying to fight off what Remdesivir caused. And if the patient is on both at the same time, it's just a compounding, round-robin effect.
Your nurse friend, if she is a good one, should know to look for the harmful side effects of both meds, and then cross reference those with what her patients are showing. ESPECIALLY with Remdesivir.
BUT, since she's also a Branch Covidian, she's probably not going to go against what the hospital protocols are, or what the prescribing Drs are issuing the patients.
I'd find new friends. Either this one is arrogantly stupid, or she's a psychopath that loves playing the role of being a "savior" in these patient's lives, or both.
I mean, she's never going to see this, so I hold no risk here saying: probably both. Anytime medical-anything is brought up, she's got to be the one to explain everything. Because she's a nurse . And if she has to hold the hand of someome who died from c19, who could have gotten the jab instead to keep the "safe", one more time...!
Gimme a break.
She means well. Or maybe she meant well, at one time. But we haven't really spoken since the Fedsurrection. I think she was shocked how not-like-her I was, despite the fact that she's always been a Dem and I'm a Rush baby.
[Edit: I forgot to mention! You said what I was thinking re: cross-med reaction. I suspect this is right, but I'll be looking into it, too. If I find anything I'll post an update.]