Well how the heck am I supposed to know when you make excuses for people viewing porn? We have people in this thread defending its usage who admit they view it. What else am I to think? I just watched you blame my mother for my father’s porn use. Innocent spouses getting blamed for the other spouses porn use gets old.
You wouldn’t like it if you found out your wife was viewing porn on the side, would you? It would hurt you deeply wouldn’t it? By your own logic that would mean you weren’t satisfying her enough and it’s your fault, or , no, maybe some bogey feminist’s fault.
I’m sorry I misjudged you. But remember you also misjudged me first just because I disagreed with you. Rather than conceding that actual cases of innocent spouses exist you then attacked my mom. Who is also a Christian. You showed her zero compassion. I’ve seen the aftermath of porn usage in my own home and it had zippo to do with feminists or my mom not trying hard enough. That was my point. It’s a heart issue plain and simple. You know, like Jesus said it was. Out of the heart comes… But I suppose you side with Adam in that it’s all Eve’s fault? Where is personal responsibility?
Next time you want to have a reasonable conversation/debate please refrain from ad hominem attacks on the person you’re debating. Clanging symbols, right? And if you don’t want to be mistaken for a porn addict then for crying out loud quit making excuses for porn addicts. And yes I’m sorry I wasn’t a perfect little teddy bear in response to your ad hominem attacks.
The irony is I was up last night actually praying for you! I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of that. I deserve it ok. Now can we please chalk it up to a misunderstanding of each other and move on? I’m your sister in the Lord and you’re my brother. I’m sorry I thought you were a porn addict. I’m going to crawl under a rock and die now. 😂
I think we both really got off on the wrong and defensive foot, and I do apologize for how I treated you. It’s part of being the flawed creatures we are, and our need or grace, right? 😊
For what it’s worth I was not intending to attack your mother, I was more trying make a point that I see more often that not, especially in Christian circles. Men are highly vilified for “having porn addictions”. I’ve seen multiple marriages destroyed from this stance alone, and I don’t support that perspective. I think it has become yet another cudgel to bash men with, and that ideology destroys them and destroys people around them. My point was that I don’t feel like your mother had a place to even share that with you, not that it was her fault for your dads actions. That’s is private and personal information between your mother and father, and not for a child to know about. That’s all, and you may or may not disagree, and that’s totally fine. I know I have very little insight into your personal life, which was why I posed what I did as questions.
Regardless, let’s just continue ahead in peace together 😊
Roger that. Technically my dad was very open about his struggles. He had a porn addiction since puberty and always warned me to “not let the genie out of the bottle” so I wouldn’t end up like him. Sadly he never licked it and escalated. My mom never really talked about it until I was an adult.
I do remember her doing hours and hours straight of Jane Fonda workout vids trying to keep in shape for him. Did this for years before finally giving up because he would openly comment that she still wasn’t thin enough. Porn had really warped his perceptions of what women should look like. Quite frankly my father was addicted to many things—alcohol and drugs for example. Porn was just the tip of the iceberg and there’s not a lot one can do with a spouse like that. Lick one addiction and they still have 50 more to go.
I know there can be frigid wives out there. No excuse to look at porn. Get couples counseling or get a divorce and find someone else if all else fails. Porn just adds fuel to the fire. Just my opinion. Porn usage hurts yourself anyway. It doesn’t truly fill the void.
I really sorry to hear all that, sounds like he had demons he couldn’t shake. And that’s what I get with making assumptions…. looks like I was wrong about all of them 😔
Well how the heck am I supposed to know when you make excuses for people viewing porn? We have people in this thread defending its usage who admit they view it. What else am I to think? I just watched you blame my mother for my father’s porn use. Innocent spouses getting blamed for the other spouses porn use gets old.
You wouldn’t like it if you found out your wife was viewing porn on the side, would you? It would hurt you deeply wouldn’t it? By your own logic that would mean you weren’t satisfying her enough and it’s your fault, or , no, maybe some bogey feminist’s fault.
I’m sorry I misjudged you. But remember you also misjudged me first just because I disagreed with you. Rather than conceding that actual cases of innocent spouses exist you then attacked my mom. Who is also a Christian. You showed her zero compassion. I’ve seen the aftermath of porn usage in my own home and it had zippo to do with feminists or my mom not trying hard enough. That was my point. It’s a heart issue plain and simple. You know, like Jesus said it was. Out of the heart comes… But I suppose you side with Adam in that it’s all Eve’s fault? Where is personal responsibility?
Next time you want to have a reasonable conversation/debate please refrain from ad hominem attacks on the person you’re debating. Clanging symbols, right? And if you don’t want to be mistaken for a porn addict then for crying out loud quit making excuses for porn addicts. And yes I’m sorry I wasn’t a perfect little teddy bear in response to your ad hominem attacks.
The irony is I was up last night actually praying for you! I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of that. I deserve it ok. Now can we please chalk it up to a misunderstanding of each other and move on? I’m your sister in the Lord and you’re my brother. I’m sorry I thought you were a porn addict. I’m going to crawl under a rock and die now. 😂
I think we both really got off on the wrong and defensive foot, and I do apologize for how I treated you. It’s part of being the flawed creatures we are, and our need or grace, right? 😊
For what it’s worth I was not intending to attack your mother, I was more trying make a point that I see more often that not, especially in Christian circles. Men are highly vilified for “having porn addictions”. I’ve seen multiple marriages destroyed from this stance alone, and I don’t support that perspective. I think it has become yet another cudgel to bash men with, and that ideology destroys them and destroys people around them. My point was that I don’t feel like your mother had a place to even share that with you, not that it was her fault for your dads actions. That’s is private and personal information between your mother and father, and not for a child to know about. That’s all, and you may or may not disagree, and that’s totally fine. I know I have very little insight into your personal life, which was why I posed what I did as questions.
Regardless, let’s just continue ahead in peace together 😊
Roger that. Technically my dad was very open about his struggles. He had a porn addiction since puberty and always warned me to “not let the genie out of the bottle” so I wouldn’t end up like him. Sadly he never licked it and escalated. My mom never really talked about it until I was an adult.
I do remember her doing hours and hours straight of Jane Fonda workout vids trying to keep in shape for him. Did this for years before finally giving up because he would openly comment that she still wasn’t thin enough. Porn had really warped his perceptions of what women should look like. Quite frankly my father was addicted to many things—alcohol and drugs for example. Porn was just the tip of the iceberg and there’s not a lot one can do with a spouse like that. Lick one addiction and they still have 50 more to go.
I know there can be frigid wives out there. No excuse to look at porn. Get couples counseling or get a divorce and find someone else if all else fails. Porn just adds fuel to the fire. Just my opinion. Porn usage hurts yourself anyway. It doesn’t truly fill the void.
I really sorry to hear all that, sounds like he had demons he couldn’t shake. And that’s what I get with making assumptions…. looks like I was wrong about all of them 😔
Yeah me too. Gotta love the internet. Turns us all into trolls. 😂 Glad to make peace with you brother. 🙂